A Caution Regarding Potential Damage to Faulty Glass
When you purchase any kind of window film from Apex Window Films, your knowledgable window protection consultant will help you select the right window film for you specific application whether tempered or regular annealed glass.
Experienced, professional window film installers assigned to your project will meticulously install your window film making every effort to protect windows and surrounding interiors. Prior to installation of window film glass will be carefully cleaned, including the removal of old window films, lettering, decals or debris. We predominantly use mechanical removal techniques, that are safer and cleaner than chemical removal, wherever and whenever possible. Mechanical removal typically relies on the use of razor scrapers that will not scratch or damge normal glass.
Faulty Tempered Glass: Fabrication Debris
Tempered glass is typically used for patio doors and in commercial applications like store fronts. Unfortunately, in some cases tempered glass is faulty and contains microscopic particles on the surface known as fabrication debris.
Fabrication Debris is a quality control issue in the manufacture of tempered glass. Lack of cleanliness of the manufacturing facility, and in particular the rollers of the machinery, can result in microscopic particles of glass or other debris attaching to the surface.
When scrapers are used to clean glass, these particles can be pulled off and dragged across the glass causing scratches. This industry-wide problem for window cleaners and film installers is the fault of the glass not the cleaner or the tools used to clean the glass.
Apex cannot be held responsible for faulty tempered glass should scratches occur during window cleaning, installation or film removal.